Nana Huchy | Sammy the Sheep - BlackSammy the Sheep was an unusual sheep from birth, because he always slept on his back and often napped during the daytime. It may have been a consequence of his massive appetite (he covers the farm’s largest paddock in under an hour). You can...
- $49.95
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Nana Huchy | Charlie the Chicken RattleCharlie always wanted to fly. He couldn’t understand why chickens had such beautiful wings but couldn’t use them. Puzzling also, was that he was blessed with long, soft, slender legs. What purpose did these serve, he constantly mused. One day, peering through Mr Pebblebottom’s...
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Nana Huchy | Ken the KookaburraKen is the self-appointed King of the bush, but his friends don’t protest as Ken has earned his title. Living on a quaint million-acre cattle station, 400km West of Byron Bay. Ken always knows how to cheer somebody up with his witty jokes &...
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Nana Huchy | Button the BunnyButton likes her chocolate just like her velour ears; smooth, silky and soothing! Spending holidays at Easter Farm, Button quickly learned the tricks to outsmarting her thousands of cousins at the ‘Big Hunt’. Just to be sure she keeps her hunt crown, her brother Bobby always gives her...
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Nana Huchy | Bobby the BunnyBobby’s always been attracted by the lights of the big city. He loves a bit of razzle dazzle & hopping the beat of a bustling dance floor. Unlike his sweet sister Button, he’s your go to friend for a fun time. Measures 38cm Suitable...
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Nana Huchy | Bobby the Bunny RattleBobby’s always been attracted by the lights of the big city. He loves a bit of razzle dazzle & hopping the beat of a bustling dance floor. Unlike his sweet sister Button, he’s your go to friend for a fun time. Dance him up...
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Nana Huchy | Sammy the Sheep - CreamSammy the Sheep was an unusual sheep from birth, because he always slept on his back and often napped during the daytime. It may have been a consequence of his massive appetite (he covers the farm’s largest paddock in under an hour). You can...
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Nana Huchy | Herbie the Horse - GreyAn ex-racehorse, Herbie doesn’t take laid-back farm life for granted. His glass is always half full. From his cute little Mohawk to his soft little smile, Herbie can soften the most repressed creature. Which is exactly what happened when he met poor Charlotte the...
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Nana Huchy | Coco The Cow - BlackSmall for her size, this black and white patchwork cow was teased on the farm for having such a high-pitched moo. A proud little cow, one day Coco had had enough. Offering one farewell squeaky moo to her paddock, Coco hitched a ride on...
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Nana Huchy | Isabella the Angel - WhiteBorn and raised on the Morning Star with her twin sister Arabella, Isabella the Angel's first love was creating pictures using glittery angel dust. Too shy for self-promotion, it took her sister's encouragement to open a face painting business together. Isabella's touch is light...
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Nana Huchy | Grace Ballerina - WhiteGrace has her own youtube channel called 'The Lazy Ballerina'- for people who want to look the part but lack the physical motivation. Graceful Grace recently teamed up with Betty Ballerina to share their perfected ballerina look with the masses. A down-to-earth party girl,...
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Nana Huchy | Arabella the Angel-PinkBorn and raised on the Morning Star, Arabella ran a face painting business with her twin sister Isabella. But the star proved too small a pond for ambitious Arabella, and she decided to expand her business to include kids parties here on Earth. Arabella...
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Nana Huchy | Betty BallerinaBetty's sitting on a big secret: she's not really a ballerina. It's just dress-ups. Betty's been going with the persona since she was mistaken for the real thing on her way to a fancy dress party, but in truth lacks the discipline for such...
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Nana Huchy | Minnie The ElephantLittle Minnie is Mini-Me to her mama Queenie. Confused? Growing up on the road while her mother toured the Cabaret circuit, Minnie craved stability. Her way of vying for her mother's attention was to mimic her appearance precisely. The gimmick worked: the two have...
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Nana Huchy | Misty BunnyAlongside her sister Maya, Misty is the star performer at the Happy Hop School of Dance. Last year’s Easter Recital saw Misty swap her sister’s breakfast pellets for cereal (a big no-no for rabbits) and Maya’s resulting tummy ache meant she missed her audition...
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Nana Huchy | Major BunnyYou would think Major’s denim overalls would be ideal for tending to the vegetable garden, but Major is really just wearing them for ‘the look’. He much prefers to be indoors, sipping kombucha and listening to vinyl at his local, organic cafe. While Major’s...
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Nana Huchy | Eddie the EmuTaking the gold at the recent Hide and Seek world championships (never heard of it? Even the publicity team take their hide and seek seriously), Eddie’s winning strategy was pretending to be a tussock. Refusing any prize money, Eddie instead donated the lot to...
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Nana Huchy | Keith the KoalaBorn inside a wildlife sanctuary just outside Brisbane, Keith always longed for the taste of a wild gum leaf. After hitching a ride south on a speeding road train, Keith found himself hooked on the complex palette of a Mount Kosiosko snow gum. With...
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Nana Huchy | Silver Sprinkles UnicornSilver Sprinkles (Silvie for short) is a cloud unicorn (a particularly powerful breed), down on earth to remind the next generation to look after their world! Courageous and well-bred, Silvie's a glass full kind of gal. She gently reminds little ones that love is...
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Nana Huchy | Mrs Honey BunnyMr and Mrs Honey run a bee-keeping farm up on the Sunshine Coast. A trail-blazer in the world of natural health, Mrs Honey Bunny has long preached the medicinal benefits of raw honey, as well as the healing power of Vitamin D. It took...
- $59.95
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